Solved was created with the goal of generating value for the industrial sector

The industrial sector is one of the main value creators in our society, but the digital revolution has largely bypassed it; at Solved we want to change that. We help  factories to continuously improve their quality system, through incident management and analysis.


We use a combination of machine learning, analytics and data visualisation to deliver actionable insights that make products manufacturing more predictable, efficient and sustainable. We are experts in capturing and analysing data through artificial intelligence, always with a focus on supply chain efficiency.


Our software enables the automation of processes in the management and root cause analysis of incidents throughout the supply chain, allowing manufacturers to save hundreds of thousands of euros by optimising their quality system. Manufacture more, better and cheaper, help them in the optimisation and management of their data in real time and, ultimately, in agile decision making, empowering teams and leaving nothing to chance.


A world in which the digital revolution
is reaching the most traditional sectors such as the industry.

Solved is the platform that allows you to optimise the efficiency of your supply chain processes. Every day, our customers discover new ways to improve their operations and to develop more efficient routes for their quality system.


Solved Talent

2024 Solved. All Rights Reserved.

VOLTSTONE TECHNOLOGY SERVICES SL has received funding from the VALENCIAN INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS COMPETITIVENESS (IVACE) with file number IMINOD/2022/173 for the project entitled “Design and development of a software for managing and controlling issues in the food chain of food industries” for an amount of 37,529.11 euros under the AID LINE-PROGRAM FOR SME INNOVATION (INNOVA-CV) 2022.

ECOGJU 2023 SUBSIDY: This company has obtained from the Valencian Employment and Training Service LABORA, employment promotion grants aimed at promoting the initial indefinite hiring of qualified young beneficiaries of the National Youth Guarantee System, ECOGJU Line, the following subsidies, co-financed by the European Social Fund: Approved on 16/11/2023 File ECOGJU 2023/1156/46 for 27,216 euros.